Nomadic Beekeeping
This is a process where bees are moved from place to place, thus having the capacity to find food themselves. As the beekeeper moves the bees to various locations across Greece, where there is florescence and consequently food, he contributes to sustainability and ensures a totally natural way of bee feeding.
Honey sometimes takes on a semi-solid state known as crystallized or granulated honey. This is a natural phenomenon which does not change the nutritional and biological properties of honey in any way. It happens when glucose, one of three main sugars in honey, spontaneously precipitates out of the supersaturated honey solution. The glucose loses water (becoming glucose monohydrate) and takes the form of a crystal (a solid body with a precise and orderly structure).
Honey that has crystallized has not gone off and is not less pure. You can restore crystallized honey by placing the jar in a bowl of hot water until its texture become fluid. The honey preserves all of its biological and nutritional properties.
Beneficial properties of honey consumption
According to scientific studies honey has plenty of beneficial properties for the human body:
Heart-Circulatory: Prolonged consumption of honey by people suffering from heart disorders has resulted in the improvement of their state. The sugars of honey, particularly glucose, are necessary for the contractions of the heart muscle and are also a source of energy for the heart. Honey, which contains sugars and acetylcholine, dilates blood vessels and reduces hypertension. The sugars of honey are immediately absorbed from the body, which is why honey is a quick source of energy for athletes, children, pregnant women, sick and any feeble body.
Anemia: The percentage of hemoglobin, particularly in children, increases with the consumption of honey mainly because of the iron and copper ions. Stomach disease: Honey is basically alkaline food because of the existing minerals in its volume. This alkalinity reduces the acidity of the stomach, thus acting as a protector against stomach ulcers.
Liver: Glucose from honey is a positive regulator for liver glycogen. Liver is the factory of our body where useful substances for the body are produced and dangerous toxins are disintegrated. The presence of glycogen enhances this work and increases the body’s resistance to infections.
Kidney: Honey contains very little protein and almost no salt, two substances which are forbidden for people who have kidney disease.